Friday, May 23, 2014

So, yesterday I got fired...

...And today I have nothing but time on my hands. Since I've been wanting to have a go at blogging for a while now but didn't feel like I had the time (what with working and all) I'm choosing to see this as an opportunity to try something new.

Some of my friends have told me that the world needs to know!!! about my various DIY problem solving tricks and general random things I've taught myself to do over the years. So here you go, World! You are about to learn how to Get Shit Done with your host, Sarah.

I'll be posting as often as I can, once I've got Blogger figured out. And I've got some ideas of my own, but I am always, always, always open to suggestions! So if you've ever wanted to learn how to, say, roast your own coffee (yes, there will be a how-to-roast-your-own-coffee post coming) let me be your guinea pig.
If you've got some Shit that needs to Get Done but you can't figure out how, email me or post a comment. I'll see if I can figure it out and report back. 

And (of course) stay tuned, watch this space, same Bat time, same Bat channel, etc. More to come.